Karen’s Kosmic Cookies
dry ingredient cookie mixes
Website: KarensKosmicCookies.com
Email: KarensKosmicCookies@gmail.com
Instagram: @KarensKosmicCookies
Facebook: Karens Kosmic Cookies
Enjoy delicious, unique cookies with these time-saving dry ingredient mixes. Just add a few wet ingredients, stir, and bake. In about 20 minutes, you will have fresh baked cookies—all from the safety of your own home. Their dry ingredient cookie mixes are available in one-dozen and two-dozen versions. Soup and cocoa mixes are also available.
Items are sold at Hannah Grimes Marketplace in downtown Keene, NH and the Sullivan Country Store in Sullivan, NH. You can also find them at the Winchester Farmers Market in Winchester every Saturday from May through October.